Ambassador Elle Sampiere

Ambassador Elle Sampiere
Elle grew up in Southern California, specifically the San Diego area. San Diego has over 100 km of open coastline and as many distinct surf spots. Most of the shoreline consists of extensive beach breaks that get south, west and north swell exposure. But there’s also many diverse reef breaks, artificial jetties and the well-known river-mouth setups. Surfing has influenced the entire San Diego beach culture and plays an important role in shaping the local identity. So it is no wonder that many people in this area – including Elle – start surfing at a very young age! She now spends most of her time traveling all across the globe to surf the best waves possible and create content for brands and resorts and is based in Ericeira, Portugal.
Oy Ambassador

What’s your home break?

My super cool dad and brothers taught me how to surf when I was 5 years old at a wave called Pillbox. 

What’s your favorite wave?

Lakey Peak. Or any waves in Indonesia, really. I keep trying to steer away from that answer, but I can't help returning to this place every year!

What’s your favorite board?

The very first boards I had shaped by my sponsor, Ghost Shapes from Oceanside, CA, were probably the best. They are both 5'9" with one featuring a round pin and the other a squash tail. These boards have gotten me some of the best waves of my life.

What’s your favorite Oy piece?

I honestly can’t choose, I love them all. But if I really had to, it would probably be the “Tope” bottoms and the “Esox” top in any color! They just don't ever come off when surfing.

Who is the most inspiring surfer you look up to and why?

This is odd to say, but I don’t really have one. I mean, there are many surfers I absolutely enjoy watching, but I don't really “look up” to many, maybe because I don’t feel like I know much about them and their stories?

What is your connection/relation to Oy?

I started working with Oy about six years ago. A woman from a nearby town, who I didn’t know was watching my surfing videos on Instagram, turned out to be the Oy representative for my area. She reached out about making content and getting bikinis from Oy. I started taking videos of myself whenever I was surfing, which started my relationship with Oy. I was unsure at first, but they quickly showed me the quality and functionality of their bikinis that I had been missing.

Our Story, Our Promise

I honestly can’t choose, I love them all. But if I really had to, it would probably be the “Tope” bottoms and the “Esox” top in any color! They just don't ever come off when surfing.

What's The Most Beautiful Place You've Ever Seen?

I still have images burned into my head from Tahiti and have been dying to go back ever since. 

What is the best lesson your father ever taught you?

He always taught me to have fun. He never pushed too hard, and I never felt the pressure to be better - I was perfect just the way I was and at the level that I was. He has always been so supportive. 

What is one goal you have for the near future?

I’m really thankful for all the opportunities I've had in the last couple of years: I wanted to start my own business, I wished for content creation to be my main source of income and wanted to travel the world. I’m super stoked to say that all these things have become reality! Now, I really want to focus on improving my surfing a lot. I also want to grow my social media, connect with my followers, dive deeper into creating content on YouTube, maybe I even want to make a movie! I would also love to host more surf retreats, all girls coaching trips, surf the biggest barrels of my life and travel to new countries. Doing what makes me happy and living a full life. That’s my main goal.

What is the nicest act you secretly did for someone?

I don’t know if I’ve ever secretly done something for somebody, but I really pride myself on being nice to everybody, always avoid drama, try to do small acts of kindness and smile at strangers. We live in a world full of selfish, unaware people. I try to see the best in everyone and make them feel heard and important. 

What is your personal mantra?

Faith over fear. Your faith that a risk or trying something new; going for your dreams, is going to work out has to be bigger than the fear that it won’t. It has to be greater than the fear. That's only gonna hold you back.